Our traditional culture taught us about two genders-male and female. We all are bothered about these two genders. Then what about the "trans"genders? When I was in Mumbai, there were a lots of transgendered people. I was very much afraid of them. I was totally insensitive to their state of mind and was not bothered about their emotions and feelings. I didn't tried to know why they are so and what made them rejected by the society. I even laughed at them with a strong abhoressenced mind. Then I saw many news regarding the rights of transgenders and I read all those without a genuine mind. But the news on 13th April 2014 stricked me a lot. In that news, the writer had given a clear picture of the sufferings made by transgenders and what they actually seek for. Then only I realized that they also have feelings as we all have. From that day onwards I began to read all news regarding them and I tried to know atleast the major obstacles they are facing.
Why transgenders are getting unrespectable roles in society? Why the well cultured and educated people put forward a gender discrimination only in case of transgenders? Today, the guys and women interact without bothering about "GENDER" and old nasty social rules that was standing as a big barrier between male and female. But we are not ready for such an interaction with transgenders. Why should we view them as odd ones?
What should the trans do if those who are responsible for maintaining the law and order are making these types of misdemeanors? They experience refused access to health service, leisure service and social activities. They suffer from mental health problems in an incommensurate manner. This may be due to any kind of abuse and family breakdown problems. The unacceptance of parents about the trans behaviour of their child lead to a shear on parent-child relationship. Since the transgender identity can form at any age, the issues faced by those in a relationship is quite unbearable. The problem of homelessness can occur due to the breakup in spouse relationship. The religions are also not ready in accepting the trans.
Today, educational systems are slowly moving towards a more GLB friendly environment. But these are still transgender-ignorant and refuse to deal with them due to a misconcept that they are unfit to the social-norms.
We all should raise our voice against the trans discrimination. Providing an emotional support will be a great relief for them. We should make an awareness and must educate the public about the transgender rights and gender identity. In working place, we should ensure that the trans are fairly treated and try to be friendly with them. Trans are also God's gift. So we should make them feel that they are also normal human beings. We should create an environment where they are getting respectable roles.
"WE ARE ALL HUMAN". This must be the slogan in our mind. Thinking more broadly, gender is a concoction of body, identity and behaviour developed organically and culturally. Thus let's start washing away the filth of trans discrimination from our pneuma.
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