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Showing posts from June, 2014


Our traditional culture taught us about two genders-male and female. We all are bothered about these two genders. Then what about the "trans"genders? When I was in Mumbai, there were a lots of transgendered people. I was very much afraid of them. I was totally insensitive to their state of mind and was not bothered about their emotions and feelings. I didn't tried to know why they are so and what made them rejected by the society. I even laughed at them with a strong abhoressenced mind. Then I saw many news regarding the rights of transgenders and I read all those without a genuine mind. But the news on 13th April 2014 stricked me a lot. In that news, the writer had given a clear picture of the sufferings made by transgenders and what they actually seek for. Then only I realized that they also have feelings as we all have. From that day onwards I began to read all news regarding them and I tried to know atleast the major obstacles they are facing.   ...

Sex and Ads

The idea of writing this article came to my mind when I saw an advertisement of a "cat food". About a month ago, I entered youtube site to download a song. I always used to skip the ad portion shown before the song. But, on that day I accidently saw the ad of cat food. After watching it I was really shocked why the ads include the female sexism for a total unsexual product. On thinking over it again and again I understand that women are made as cheap marketable objects to sell the products.      Women play a major role in almost all ads. Instead of highlighting the qualities of products to be sold, they use women a means to sell their products. Women's portrayal in today's ads is not on the right track. A major deception ads does to women is their hyper-sexualism. Instead of showing woman as a whole, each body part is separately shown and focused with sexual connotations which I think is a cunning marketing trick used by advertisers.     As ...