"Behind every successful man there is a woman". We all have heard about this quote. But, due to the attitude towards women by the current society, a question arises that whether being woman is a boon or bane. Eventhough woman is being active in all fields of work, the society is male dominant. The most blessing that the God has made to a woman is that, only a woman can give birth to a new one. Famous persons like Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela were all born only because of a woman. It is she who give birth to a child, take care of it and make him/her tomorrow's treasure. It is she who understand her partner, sacrifices for him and always be with him in his happiness, sorrow and whatever it is. Being an individual person, it is she who makes different roles at a time as daughter, mother, wife, sister so and so. Still why the society is showing injustice to the woman ? In India, many organisations had launched for the empowerment of women. Al...