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Showing posts from May, 2016


LOVE is a profound emotion of every human being. But there exists many misinterpretations in case of love among the average people. Before urging for love, we should know what love actually means. Love is a strong feeling of affection. It is a great interest or pleasure in something.  There is love in everything and everywhere in this nature.  I believe in life before life and life after life. In both stages there exists love. We all have a life before being a child in this earth. It's only by nurturing this life with love we all starts our physical life as a separate being. Similarly, after our whole physical life, there is a life as soul. Here also the necessary thing is love.  Love, when coming to the physical life, is held within tight boundaries. Though the love is beyond all, it is those stupid people with zero or negative knowledge that makes it tightly bounded. For some, love is the one which lies in parental relationship. For some, it is the one which lies ...